Friday, October 30, 2009


Meenie, Miny and Moe all in a row, with fears of sqaush soup and pumpkin pie
in their hearts. You can see it a little bit, can't you?
The colors of November, brought to you by a drive through farm country yesterday.
I left out the John Deere green.

chycks choice.3

Just a little more Halloween--a black cat I made out of a gourd.
And what Birthday would be complete without a Zombie Barbie Cake??

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Happy Halloween! (you didn't think it was a coincidence that today's word was orange?)
Ohh, yeah - lots of good Halloween goodies.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Finally, my long-awaited contribution to the field of hand drawn pasta.

Birthday Dinner - Penne with Italian sausage, cranberries and sun-dried tomatoes.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I bought a stem of this wild looking plant at a florist shop mainly because I love the foliage
(the blossom is pretty funky too, but that's for another day). Talk about great edges--its
like rick-rack on steroids!
These little plants are living on the edge... I love finding plants growing in
nooks and crannies so barren looking that it boggles the imagination.

Also, here is a photo of On The Edge, my other choice for the day. Have you ever looked
into someone's eyes when they are right at the very edge of reason - about 3 seconds from
implosion. Well, if not, this is what it looks like:

Monday, October 26, 2009


I suppose there is not much depth to this post - could have gone all philosophical about
reflecting on life, relationships... you know what I mean... but I really liked this photo. So
here it is, no emotional depth necessary. Go outside and play.

Whew...thank goodness she went first and I'm off the hook on the whole "depth" issue. I was just playing with paint.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Chycks Choice.2

I can't help but let my mind spool out with thoughts of why someone chose to announce
to the world, "Do Not Lock." Looking at it from my own perspective, I am now thinking
about carrying a large black marker around with me. On the Dryer: Check for sleeves
in the door. On the ceiling above my bed: Is the Cat inside? Across the steering wheel
of the car: Take the Bags with you. Oh the possibilities...

I'm taking full advantage of the "choice" option today and choosing to post someone else's
Going through some old art work, I found this print (I think its a linoleum cut)
done by my son Will in 3rd grade (he is 24 now). I've always loved it.

I thought these might look nice together, they do.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


What is your time worth?
I guess that depends on how you spend it.
"Its something unpredictable, but in the end its right.
I hope you had the time of your life."
Green Day


"Ain't no doubt about it.
It was the myth of fingerprints.
I've seen them all and they are all the same."

-Paul Simon

Here are my fingerprints. This sweatshirt was my favorite when I was in art school long
ago. It has paint and finger wipes from hundreds of projects. It is so old that I only wear it once
in a while, because I'm afraid to wash it. The sleeves are already held together with safety pins.
Note: I tried to take a picture of my computer screen and ALL the fingerprints all over it,
but couldn't make my camera do what I wanted this morning. The strangest thing is that
I swear there are lip prints on my computer screen, which opens a whole line of questioning
that I don't really want answers to.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


When I headed out this morning to the gym, I thought a photo of one of the power lifters might be a good (yet dangerous) photo for "thick." I found this one instead while having coffee with a friend afterward.
I'm working on the very last pages of my current journal, and it definitely qualifies as thick. The satisfaction of a fat, full book will soon give way to the intimidation (attitude adjustment--the possibilities) of a clean, empty one.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Received a few strange looks snapping photo's in the produce department at Festival Foods, oh well.
I was amazed how much yellow there is in our daily lives - I saw it everywhere today!
Just in case anyone was wondering.....the Kandinsky-style color study falls
into the category of "harder than it looks"

Friday, October 16, 2009

chycks choice.1

Mmmm, Pumpkin Bread Pudding. After seeing a photo and caption from
the Dispatches from LA blog about this particular dessert, I had to fire up
the oven and make some for myself. Yum... it's every bit as good as my
watering mouth had wished for. And it went well with a warm cup of tea.

A handful of red chile peppers tossed into my favorite blue bowl.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Five. Five loads of unfolded laundry. Five cereal bowls in the sink. Five pair of shoes in a heap.
Five peoples worth of toothpaste spatter on the mirror. Five months of paperwork that needs to be picked through. These are the five things that I didn't do this morning, while walking around taking pictures of things in fives.
We have two diptychs today. (Is that "double dypping"? Quadtych?) Martha had
two contributions for five and told me to choose. I love the 5 x 5 peek into her
day (above), but couldn't resist pairing my blue hand with the piano keys (below).

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I picked this glass window, because I like the broken parts of it. It makes it more interesting. Broken doesn't mean ruined,
it just adds a layer of character to what was already there - it's the same with people.
Its only the second diptych and I've already "broken" the rules. I'm supposed to be contributing artwork
other than photography. Just couldn't pass this one by.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Fall's tomatoes on their last day. The fruit flies are circling like tiny vultures.
If it's not a batch
of bruschetta for lunch today, it's the compost pile for them tomorrow.
And we're off! The "dipchycks" first diptych.