Monday, December 14, 2009


These look pretty good, right? Lovely spirals of cranberry filling in buttery dough
to liven up the holiday cookie tray. Except that they don't taste good! I spent way
too much time mixing, rolling, chilling, slicing for the mediocre results. This recipe
won't make the "holiday standards" list.
Okay, so in sharp contrast - our cookies look, well, not as spirally, pretty as
Mary's - but they taste VERY good. It's Grandma's gingerbread cookie recipe
and it rocks! I don't know that she ever made traditional Mr. T cookies, or
decorated a Christmas Mushroom Cloud, but I know she would approve of our
own Christmas cookie decorating tradition. You have to look closely, but
some other treasures are ET, Rachel's annual version of Tiny Tim (with webbed,
frog foot) and the ever spirit lifting Yule-time Hand Grenade.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Chycks Choice.8

I took several photo's for Recycle the other night, and liked this one as well. It is of a
glass bottle bottom that I found when we dug our foundation for the house. It had been
tossed out by the owners of the farmhouse that had been built on the spot more than
100 years before. Now that's recycling!
I'm hitching a ride on this train......the little pieces of white with chinese characters on them are from a vase that I broke and "recycled" to the mosaic pile. Its good to have a sister who makes mosaics. It takes the sting out of that moment when you break a favorite piece.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


some little gift tags that I made out of a Trader Joe's bag and a CD envelope I saved. Now if I just had some gifts to hook them onto!
Some empty booze bottles from the recycle bin. Not as artistic, but it sure was yummy.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Several years ago, I saw an article about a watercolor artist who started her
paintings by freezing the paper and paint to get these beautiful, feathery ice patterns.
I didn't pay much attention to the process and it turns out it is more involved than
just putting a wet piece of paper out in the cold. I tried a few different variations on
the amount of water, paint, time and this is the best I came up with. I would keep
trying, but it also turns out it is really uncomfortable to be messing with water out
in the freezing temperatures!
Tilly agrees with the frickin freezing temperatures thing. I've been
thinking all day how to show all this snow as being COLD. Poor Tilly,
sacrificing for art once again.

Monday, December 7, 2009


turns out the word print has a lot of meanings-- print as in letters and writing, print as in relief-printing , lithograpy or photography or, the one I've chosen here, a design or pattern. This is a piece of antique fabric in the Russian museum that I liked.
When Mary picked the word Print, I thought of the blue Italian hand printed wrapping
paper we got at a stationery story years ago. When I dug out the roll of it, there was
the blue, and another sheet of green. Sweet!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Chycks choice.7

No, I didn't paint this.....wish I had. It is called "Spring" by Kees Van Dongen. We saw it in the Hermitage last week along with several other of his paintings that I also loved. What fun to "discover" a new painter!
When I saw this painting I was reminded of the beautiful Lupine behind my parents
house. We were there last spring when fields of it were in full bloom. Some artwork
just sends your mind into a snapping popping flash flood of memories and images. This
one did that for me, dogwood blossoms, spring days, peace and quiet.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Quote Day 1

Okay, here is a new element for our little Dyppy Blog we've got here. We
both like interesting quotes and I thought it might be fun if we took a favorite
and each did a little something with it. So today is Blogger's Choice on quotes,
but another day maybe we'll take the same quote and each do a different art take
on it. Here is my first installment of Quote Day.

deciding everything is falling into place perfectly - as long as you don't get
too picky about what you mean by place. Or perfectly. -Brian Andreas
I have been on a mission to clean some closets and cupboards around my house lately,
and this quote is exactly how I've been feeling. I suppose having four teenagers in the
house also makes a person much less picky about what's perfect, or in it's proper place.

This is one festive looking entry! The quote that prompted this collage piece......"I am proud of active, ugly art. Let the eye have little place to neatness. No tidiness. No easy pleasure." Ivan Greenberg

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


first grapefruit of the it a coincidence that the favorite "diet" breakfast food hits the market the same time as all the holiday goodies?

Nice color... not so Christmasy, but I'm sure we'll get to that later on!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I am choosing to try and tame my "inner Grinch" this Christmas by seeking out the things I like about the season and avoiding or minimizing the ones I don't. Easy to say on Dec. 1--I'll let you know how it works out!
Well, My inner grinch is alive and well, thank you very much. I had my
kids take down Christmas light today! I suppose I should have had them
take the flips flops off the roof while they were up there.