Thursday, November 5, 2009


An homage to my daily spoonful of cod liver oil. It must be good for me, right?
I mean, come on....oil from a fish's liver? Its best to just toss it back and not
think too much about it.
I had the most beautiful salad for lunch today. It was curly dark green and red lettuces
served in a fluted white dish with raspberry dressing drizzled across the top. Did I
remember to take a picture? NO! I snarfed it down! So here is another take on
living healthfully. (question - is that really what a fishes liver looks like??)


  1. beautiful picture! Is that at your local Cub foods?

  2. Ha... that is the local market photo from Cusco Peru! I look at that photo and it looks like I tipped it up - but all that stuff was actually vertical like that.
